The Slovenská meteorologická spoločnosť (SMS) is a rather small society of currently about 65 members and it was established in 1993.

Members of SMS have been active in organising this EMS Annual Meeting, in particular its President, Paulína Valová, provided local contacts for many activities and vital information for the website for participants onsite. An SMS member will also be contributing to the poster award selection committee.


The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU) is a specialized organization providing hydrological and meteorological services at the national and international level. The SHMU was established by the former Ministry of Forestry and Water Management on 1 January 1969, and the scope of its activities is currently laid down in Act no. 201/2009 on state hydrological and meteorological services. The SHMU is the successor of institutions that were providing hydrological and meteorological services in Slovakia from the mid-19th century. It is state-subsidised organization operating under the Slovak Ministry of Environment.

SHMU staff is organizing two excursions during the conference week and will be available Monday to Friday in the foyer for information on the actual weather in Bratislava.


PRIMET is a pan European Trade Association for meteorological service providers operating in the private sector. It aims to promote a fair trading environment between the public and private sector in meteorology and its related disciplines.

PRIMET is funding the lunch networking meeting for early career scientists.

Solco W. Tromp Foundation

The Tromp Foundation (Foundation for Biometeorological Research), the legacy of Solco W. Tromp, is funding various awards at the EMS Annual Meetings with the intention to promote biometeorology in Europe. Biometeorology is an interdisciplinary science studying the interactions between atmospheric processes and living organisms – plants, animals and humans. It provides answers to the question: How does weather and climate impact the well-being of all living beings?

The Tromp Foundation is supporting six young scientists with travel funds to attend the EMS2023 in Bratislava and funds the EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology (next call in 2024).

Harry Otten Prize Foundation

The Harry Otten Foundation announces the Harry Otten Prize with a biennial cycle since 2011. Invited are ideas that are innovative, practical, realizable and bring Meteorology forward in society.
Submissions of ideas for the 2023 Prize round started on 15 September 2022 and closed on 10 March 2023.
Three finalists have been invited to present their idea during the EMS2023 special session: PSE3 Finalists' Session on Mon, 4 Sep, 09:00–10:30. Afterwards the jury will decide and the prize winner will be announced in the Awards Session on Monday evening, at 18:50.

The Harry Otten Foundation is sponsoring the coffee break on Tuesday afternoon.


EUMETSAT & ECMWF are jointly organizing a lunch workshop covering data discovery as well as data analysis on droughts and wildfires, and their impact. The workshops are held during the lunch breaks on Wednesday and Thursday.
EUMETSAT is funding lunch bags for workshop participants and also organizing and funding the organization of the workshop bringing together communications professionals in the weather science community.


The European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) is a bottom-up initiative launched in 2011 by the European Commission focusing on the objectives to bring together, optimize and expand European expertise in climate research by sharing EXISTING national research capacities and infrastructures. The ECRA secretariat is offering a one-day workshop on policy development in high impact events research.

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