Members of SMS have been active in organising this EMS Annual Meeting, in particular its President, Paulína Valová, provided local contacts for many activities and vital information for the website for participants onsite. An SMS member will also be contributing to the poster award selection committee.

SHMU staff is organizing two excursions during the conference week and will be available Monday to Friday in the foyer for information on the actual weather in Bratislava.

PRIMET is funding the lunch networking meeting for early career scientists.

Solco W. Tromp Foundation

Harry Otten Prize Foundation
Three finalists have been invited to present their idea during the EMS2023 special session: PSE3 Finalists' Session on Mon, 4 Sep, 09:00–10:30. Afterwards the jury will decide and the prize winner will be announced in the Awards Session on Monday evening, at 18:50. The Harry Otten Foundation is sponsoring the coffee break on Tuesday afternoon.