We are delighted to honour the 2023 awardees at this EMS Annual Meeting. All our awardees will present their work during the event in Bratislava. The awards will be handed over in three sessions:
- The EMS Jounalistic Award will be handed over during the Media Session ES2.1 on Wednesday, 6 September, 09:45.
- The Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award Ceremony will be held during the Atmospheric boundary-layer processes, turbulence and land-atmosphere interactions session on Tuesday, 5 September, 11:00.
- All other awards are presented during the Awards Session on Monday, 4 September, between 16:30–19:00 in Lecture room B1.02. This session includes the Silver Medal Lecture as well as the announcement of the winner of the Harry Otten Prize 2023.
The closing reception on Friday, 8 September, 13:15–14:00 in the poster area will include the announcement of the winner of this year’s outstanding poster award.
EMS Young Scientist Conference Awards (YSCA)
- Georgia Lazoglou: Oral presentation | OSA3.3 | Thu, 7 Sep, 12:15–12:30 | Lecture room B1.04
Calculation of future Wet and Dry spells duration in Europe, using bias corrected data from the Q-GAM method
- Cosimo Carniel: Oral presentation | UP1.3 | Thu, 7 Sep, 11:00–11:15 | Lecture room B1.05
Detection, classification and physical analysis of Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Region: a full exploitation of ERA5 dataset
- Alice Lake: Oral presentation | OSA2.4 | Thu, 7 Sep, 14:05–14:20 | Lecture room B1.08
Forecasting Heat-Related Hazards on the UK Rail Network
- Laura Gil-Reyes: Poster presentation | UP3.2 | Thu, 7 Sep, 16:00–17:15 | Poster area | P93
Influence of the winter Atlantic Niño on the North Atlantic-European atmospheric circulation
Tromp foundation travel award to young scientists (TFTAYS)
The Tromp Foundation established the Tromp foundation travel award to young scientists (TFTAYS) in 2016, with the aim to support scientists who present papers in the area of biometeorology at EMS Annual Meetings. For more details see https://www.emetsoc.org/awards/award-category/tromp-awards/tromp-travel-tftays/.
- Nestoras Antoniou: Oral presentation | UP3.1 | Thu, 7 Sep, 14:45–15:00 | Lecture room B1.02
Multiscale numerical simulations of climate change impact on urban microclimate and human health
- Lippin Pauly: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Wed, 6 Sep, 09:00–09:15 | Lecture room B1.03
Evaluating the Impact of Urbanization on Thermal Comfort in Turin: A Numerical Simulation Study
- Juan Carbone: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Wed, 6 Sep, 09:15–09:30 | Lecture room B1.03
How has the urban development of Madrid affected the local climate? Analysis of the last 50 years
- Nils Eingrüber: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Tue, 5 Sep, 12:30–12:45 | Lecture room B1.03
Climate change adaption potentials of unsealing strategies in cities – An assessment during heat and drought events based on microclimatic simulations
- Konrad Chmist: Oral presentation | UP3.4 | Tue, 5 Sep, 12:45–13:00 | Lecture room B1.08
Bioclimate conditions in SW Greenland in the second half of the 18th century
- Anna Tzyrkalli: Oral presentation | UP2.1 | Tue, 5 Sep, 09:20–09:35 | Lecture room B1.03
Quantification of the Urban Heat Island effect using paired station data in the Middle East and North Africa region
Outstanding poster award 2022
Jelmer Jeuring and Anders Sivle from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute won the Outstanding Poster Award 2022 with their work on Impact-based warning information for ice-throw risk: A Norwegian survey that presents outcomes from a survey into perceptions of the general public in Norway about ice-throw risk, perceived value of different communication tools and formats of ice-throw risk information for Norwegian wind farms. For more information visit https://www.emetsoc.org/2022-poster-award-impact-based-warning-information-for-ice-throw-risk/
EMS Journalistic Award
In 2023, two awardees are selected for the EMS Journalistic Award. They show two different views on climate change, one the broader international picture, and the other zooming in on very local and personal perspectives.
- Zornitsa Spasova provides an in-depth and thorough review and analysis on global warming and societal impacts, with a particular focus on labour conditions world-wide and women’s health in India.
- Ole Mathismoen makes a strong attempt to “humanise” the climate change problem in a manner that many people can (hopefully) relate to. He presents very concrete stories for summer and winter in Oslo based on his own memories in Oslo 55 years ago and his 5 years old son present and the future 75 years.
The awardees will present their work in Session ES2.1 Communication and media | Wed, 06 Sep, 09:45–10:10 |Lecture room B1.02.
For more details on the awardess see https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-journalistic-award-given-to-zornitsa-spasova-and-ole-mathismoen/
EMS Young Scientist Award
The EMS Young Scientist Award 2023 will be presented to Dr. Mateusz Taszarek, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, for his important contribution to the understanding of severe convective storm hazards, their accompanying atmospheric environments and relationships to a warming climate across Europe and the United States.
Mateusz Taszarek will give the Award Lecture on his recent work entitled Do severe storms across Australia, Europe and the United States share similarities? A comparison of atmospheric profiles and environmental predictors on Thu, 7 Sep, 14:00–14:15 in session UP1.3 Understanding and modelling of atmospheric hazards and severe weather phenomena | Lecture room B1.05
EMS Technology Achievement Award
The EMS Technology Achievement Award 2023 for the digital weather service Yr, offering weather data on our web platform as well as on iOS and Android apps. Yr is awarded for the ways it makes weather information available to a wide audience worldwide: it stands out for the nowcast function using citizen science data in the Nordic region and its sky view option which displays the future weather in a very transparent way. To read more about the project see https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-taa-2023-for-yr/ Anders Sivle, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, will give present Yr in the awards lecture "Yr service development: A new, seamless, 3-week forecast" on Mon, 4 Sep, 11:00 in session OSA1.5 Probabilistic and ensemble forecasting from short to seasonal time scales | Lecture room B1.04.

EMS Outstanding Contribution Award
Carola Detring, Germany, is the 2023 EMS Outstanding Contribution Awardee. She is honoured for her important initiatives to develop a European network of early career scientists in the framework of the EMS and connecting to relevant partner networks.
The EMS is delighted to present this award this time to a young scientist, having already made important contributions to the community at an early stage of her career.
Find out more Carola Detring’s activities at https://www.emetsoc.org/ems-outstanding-contribution-award-for-early-career-scientist/
EMS Silver Medal
Sarah Jones will receive the EMS Silver Medal 2023. This award recognizes her significant contributions to the understanding and modelling of tropical systems and extra-tropical transitions, her outstanding leadership merits for the benefit of the European and international community and beyond, and her strong involvement with the Young Earth System Science community. The Silver Medal ceremony, which includes a Silver Medal Lecture by the Laureate, takes place on Monday evening at the Awards Session: Mon, 4 Sep, 17:35–18:20 | Lecture room B1.02
Silver Medal Lecture: “Early Career Scientists and how they shape our world”
Harry Otten Prize 2023: Announcement
The Harry Otten Foundation announces the Harry Otten Prize with a biennial cycle since 2011. Invited are ideas that are innovative, practical, realizable, and bring Meteorology forward in society. Submissions of ideas for the 2023 prize round started on 15 September 2022 and closed on 10 March 2023.
Three finalists have been invited to present their idea during this EMS2023 special session: PSE3 Finalists' Session on Mon, 4 Sep, 09:00–10:30. Afterwards the jury will decide and the prize winner will be announced in the Awards Session on Monday evening, at 18:50.
Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award
The 2023 Award is awarded to two outstanding candidates:
- Professor Christine Susan Betham Grimmond, Dept. Meteorology, University of Reading. Sue Grimmond has been a very active scientist in promoting urban boundary layer studies at both national and global level. She has contributed the inclusion and improved description of urban surfaces in different global models.
- Professor Emeritus, Larry Mahrt, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State, University, Corvallis, Oregon. Larry Mahrt has had a profound influence on the boundary-layer meteorology community with his innovative and insightful research over the years which involved many important collaborations on a large number of BL-related topics.
The Award ceremony will take place in the session UP1.2 Atmospheric boundary-layer processes, turbulence and land-atmosphere interactions at 11:00 on Tue, 5 Sep | Lecture room B1.02.