EMS2023 mobile app privacy policy
The EMS2023 conference app does not collect or store any personal information. The following interactive services will ask you for identification:
Personal programme
You are able, but not obliged, to use an existing Copernicus Office user account to synchronize your EMS2023 app with a personal programme created on the EMS2023 conference website. This optional service can be found under "Personal programme". When using the personal programme synchronization, you are asked to enter your Copernicus Office user ID and password. This information will be used to identify your account and link the personal programmes you created on the EMS2023 website. No additional information will be stored to identify or track your device. When using the synchronization service, you are free to log out at any point without losing any functionalities of the EMS2023 app.
Access to restricted programme content
The access to specific EMS2023 programme contents could be restricted to conference participants only, e.g. session materials, presentations, or access to zoom sessions. For these contents, the app will ask for your Copernicus Office user account to verify your EMS2023 registration.
In case any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us: ems2023@copernicus.org